October 2019

MyHeritage Marketing Design

My Role

Marketing and Visual Design


Visual Language, Assets, Banners, Emails


Marketing Designer, Marketing Operations
MyHeritage Marketing Design


Holiday Season

As part of its annual marketing effort, MyHeritage runs campaigns across different platforms to boost sales turnover of two of its key products. The campaign takes place mainly in the digital space, and focuses on the genealogical and the DNA products. These campaigns took place between Halloween and the New Year celebration. 


Annual Promotions

In a B2C product company, the primary project challenge lies in continually innovating the design for each campaign. This challenge is particularly pronounced because all campaigns are recurring on an annual and seasonal basis, often occurring in close succession. The optimal approach I pinpointed for this projects involved an expansion of the color palette, introducing additional shades of the primary colors, incorporating theme-appropriate illustrative elements, and embracing a bolder design philosophy. The culmination of these efforts resulted in a notable increase in PPC traffic, boosted sales, and heightened brand awareness.


Visual Library

The visual library includes a selection of images, illustrations, collages that tell the story of family history. It is designed to be used for internal and external uses such as presentations, banners, emails, visual assets on the web and many more. This library is continually updated with new assets to provide the best possible experience for users.